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Perchè nel Vault 101 nessuno può entrare... e nessuno può uscire.

Il Vault 101 è un Vault della Vault-Tec situato nella Zona Contaminata della Capitale, vicino alle rovine di Washington D.C., e più precisamente nelle rovine di Springvale

Esperimento dei Vault

Il compito del Vault 101 nell'Esperimento dei Vault non era solo di testare le reazioni di un isolamento indefinito (non era prevista alcuna riapertura programmata), ma anche per testare il ruolo del Soprintendente. Questo Vault fu sigillato prima che le bombe caddero, e i residenti furono tenuti all'oscuro della verità, ricevendo trasmissioni radio false che dipinsero una zona contaminata molto diversa da quella reale. Era il lavoro del Soprintendente tenere questo segreto e mantenere il Vault sigillato, e infatti il primo Soprintendente era un dipendente istruito dalla Vault-Tec. Il secondo Soprintendente decise di rendere noto l'obiettivo a una cerchia ristretta di adulti, sopratutto per evitare che i bambini scoprissero tutto; mano a mano che gli anni passarono sempre più persone conoscevano il vero obiettivo del Vault, praticamente tutti gli adulti. In aggiunta, il Soprintendente poteva comunicare con l'esterno tramite il tunnel segreto nel suo ufficio [1]. Tuttavia, per evitare altri possibili guai, i residenti del vault furono istruiti: "Qui è dove sei nato, ed è qui che morirai."


Dopo il fatidico 2 Ottobre 2077, questo Vault fu chiuso per 2 secoli, finchè James entrò nel super-bunker insieme al suo bambino, il Vagabondo Solitario. Dopo che James sparì senza spiegazioni dal Vault, il Vagabondo Solitario fu costretto a cercare il padre al di fuori del vault, per avere delle risposte.

Dopo aver incotrato Colin Moriarty, il Vagabondo Solitario seppe che il Vault 101 fu aperto in passato, visto che il giocatore è nato fuori dal Vault. Moriarty incontrò James per la prima volta quando abbandonò Rivet City per arrivare al Vault 101. James portò con se il figlio durante il breve periodo in cui il Soprintendente permise l'esplorazione dell'esterno. Dopo la morte di questi esploratori, il Vault fu definitivamente chiuso, e chi era a conoscenza del fatto giurò di non rivelare niente. James fu ammesso nel Vault solo perchè il Soprintendente era alla disperata ricerca di un dottore.

Investigazioni approfondite rivelano che oltre alla fuga del padre del Vagabondo Solitario, altre persone fuggirono in passato. Molto personaggi di Megaton fanno richiamo a persone scappate in passato: Moira parla di una ragazza scappata "10 o 12 anni fa", mentre Colin Moriarty dice di avere visto per l'ultima volta un'abitante del Vault "5 anni fa", che gli rivelò del lavaggio del cervello a cui erano sottoposti gli abitanti del Vault.

La città di Megaton è stata fondata da persone che cercavano rifugio nel Vault, e alcuni scheletri di persone che cercarono di entrare sono fuori dalla massiccia porta del Vault.r.

Va notato che durante la quest Problemi sul fronte interno, si fa capire che molti, se non tutti gli adulti che vivevano nel Vault 101 conoscevano l'esperimento. Quindi quando James arrivò insieme al piccolo Lone Wanderer, il fatto che il Soprintendente autorizzasse la loro permanenza, non causò molti problemi.

Un indagine del Complesso Vault

Dopo una guerra nucleare globale, i sopravissuti furono forzati a vivere nei vault per protezione. Anche se dopo molti vault furono aperti, il Vault 101 rimase sigillato, e gli abitanti volevano proseguire su quella strada.

Il Vault 101 è diviso in tre sezioni, rinomiate dagli abitanti come Livello Superiore/Atrio, il Livello Inferiore e il Livello Reattore. I vari livelli sono connessi tramite scale. In ogni piano del bunker, le porte idrauliche sono state impiegate per bloccare l'accesso a un settore, salvo a un gruppo ristretto di autorizzati. Un'esempio di area chiusa è l' Entrata principale del Vault 101. I livelli sono identificati dalle targhette. L'entrata che connette al mondo esterno è collegata al resto da due corridoi, uno che parte dall'Atrio e un'altro segreto chiamato Tunnel del Soprintendente.

E' da notare che i livelli non sono accatastati gli uni sopra gli altri, sono invece spostati progressivamente verso Ovest, a seconda di quale livello il giocatore raggiunge.

Division A: Upper Level/Atrium

Vault 101 Atrium

Vault 101 Atrium

Floor A is the uppermost level. It is named the Upper Level.

Entrata Principale del Vault 101

L'Entrata Principale contiene la massiccia porta del Vault, che permette di accedere alla Zona Contaminata della Capitale.

Tunnel del Soprintendente

Fu usato dai Soprintendenti del Vault 101 per comunicare con il mondo esterno. Durante la quest Fuggi! il giocatore dovrà aprire il tunnel per scappare dal Vault. L'entrata del tunnel può essere aperta solo dal Terminale del Soprintendente.

Ufficio del Soprintendete

E' nella sezione di Amministrazione, nel Livello Superiore/Atrio del Vault 101. Sotto la scrivania, c'è un passaggio segreto verso l'Entrata Principale chiamato Tunnel del Soprintendente.

Vault 101 Systems Room

This room monitors the functions of the Vault. This information is presented to the Overseer on a systems map in his/her office. The Maintenance Department is responsible for this room. Floyd Lewis can be found here dead during Escape!.

Vault 101 Security Office

Vault 101 Security is headquartered in this office. There is a Security Cell Terminal on the south desk which controls the cell door. Lockers on the north wall, next to the north desk, are used for storage of uniforms and weapons.

Division B: The Lower Level

Is the Lower Level of Vault 101.

Vault 101 Apartment

The Vault 101 apartment was the living quarters of a family or an individual in Vault 101. With the exception of the Almodovar's apartment, the apartments were divided into a bedroom and a dining/living room. The Almodovar's apartment was divided into two bedrooms and a dining/living room.

The Vault 101 Classroom

This area is significant because it represents one of only three educational facilities or schools in the entire Capital Wasteland. The other "schools" are in the Republic of Dave and Little Lamplight.

Vault 101 Clinic

The Lone Wanderer was supposed to have been born here but was actually born in the Jefferson Memorial. This is were you find Amata in the "trouble on the homefront".

Vault 101 Restroom

The Vault 101 Restroom has a 'Gentlemen' and a 'Ladies' restroom. The toilets and sinks are supplied with water from the Filter Room, and as such are radiation-free.

Division C: Reactor Level

Vault 101 Filter Room

The Vault 101 Filter Room houses the water purification systems, and the Water Chip.

The Vault 101 Storeroom

Or BB Gun Practice Range. Sometime before its use as a practice range, the Vault Engineers use the room for storage. Large metal crates, lockers, tables, and a piece of equipment of uncertain use are placed about the room.

Vault 101 Reactor Room

The Vault's geo-thermal reactor is located in this room.


Vault 101 appeared in Fallout 3 as the Vault where the main character was raised by his/her father until the age of 19. The quest Trouble on the Homefront allows you to re-enter Vault 101 after leaving.


  • During the intro video, you can clearly see two security cameras on each side of the Vault door. However, when you escape the Vault, they aren't there. Instead, there is a single cam on top of the door.
  • Upon return to Vault 101, during "Trouble on the Homefront", one speech option in response to The Overseer is "no wonder I wasn't allowed to research my family tree".
  • When you are being born you can see Doctor Li delivering you



Almodovar family


Almodovar family:

DeLoria family:

  • Butch DeLoria - Leader of the Tunnel Snakes
  • Ellen DeLoria - mother to Butch

Mack family:

  • Allen Mack - father to Wally and Steve
  • Gloria Mack - mother to Wally and Steve (Stanley's daughter)
  • Wally Mack and Steve Mack, brothers
  • Susie Mack daughter of Allen and Gloria
  • Grandpa Mack

Hannon family:

  • Paul Hannon Sr., security chief
  • Vikki Hannon, his wife
  • Paul Hannon Jr., his son

Gomez family:

  • Herman Gomez, Security officer, father of Freddie, and friend of James.
  • Pepper Gomez, his wife
  • Freddie Gomez, his son

Kendall family:

  • John Kendall, Security guard, father of Christine and Monica
  • Mary Kendall, his wife (Stanley's daughter also)
  • Christine Kendall, classmate to the Lone Wanderer
  • Monica Kendall, younger sister to Christine. Never seen, only mentioned during Trouble on the Homefront

Holden family:

  • Tom Holden, vault dweller, killed by security during Escape!.
  • Mary Holden, his wife, killed immediately after him.

Palmer family:

  • Jonas Palmer, Scientist, friend to James, and son of Anne Palmer
  • Anne Palmer, Never seen. Leader of a scouting party that left the vault.
  • Lucy Palmer, mother to Anne and grandmother to Jonas.
  • Joe Palmer, deceased, Jukebox Technician

Armstrong family:

  • Stanley Armstrong - Engineer, friend to James. Father of Gloria Mack, Mary Kendall and Beatrice Armstrong.
  • Beatrice Armstrong - Slightly odd woman, poet and tarot reader.

Taylor family:

  • Officer Taylor - Older security guard, husband to "Grandma" Taylor.
  • Grandma Taylor - his wife.
  • Chip Taylor- Grandson to Officer Taylor and Grandma Taylor.


  • James - the Lone Wanderer's father
  • Andy - a Mr. Handy type robot, reassigned (with horrific results) to doctor duties after Escape!
  • Edwin Brotch - Vault teacher and friend to the Vault Dweller.
  • Floyd Lewis - Engineer found dead in Escape!
  • Officer O'Brian - Security officer responsible for killing Tom and Mary Holden
  • Officer Richards - Security officer responsible for killing Tom and Mary Holden
  • Officer Wolfe - Security officer
  • Officer Park - Security officer
  • Officer Wilkins- hostile security officer during Trouble on the Homefront
  • Officer Armstrong- if Officer Gomez died during Escape!, he will greet you instead
  • Lone Wanderer
  • George (Vault 101 Technician)
  • Agnes
  • Lewis
  • Unnamed Overseer

Found dead during Trouble on the Homefront

  • Beatrice Armstrong
  • Jim Wilkins
  • Steve Armstrong
  • Chip Taylor
  • Paul Hannon Jr.
  • Janice Wilkins


I residenti del Vault 101 possiedo la loro stazione radio, che può essere ascoltata solo all'interno del Vault, o stando vicino alla porta d'entrata.

Il Vault è dotato di un segnale d'emergenza decisamente più forte, che può essere ascoltato al di fuori del vault nell'area di Megaton. Non sappiamo se gli altri Vault sono anch'essi equipaggiati con questo speciale sistema.

Related quests

  • Baby Steps
  • Growing Up Fast
  • Future Imperfect
  • Escape!
  • Trouble on the Homefront


The Bobblehead - Medicine is in James', or more likely known as your Dad's office. You only have three chances to obtain this bobblehead. When you're about to take the G.O.A.T., when you escape the vault you'll come through his office, or when you return in the "Trouble on the Homefront" quest.

Framed Quote

In what's left of James' office, the Framed Quote of Revelation 21:6 can be found. When activated, the player will need to pick the 'average' lock. Inside can be found Rock-It Launcher schematics, 300 caps and a Holodisk called 'Home Sweet Home'. When accessed in Notes, 'Home Sweet Home' depicts James' voice lamenting over the death of his wife Catherine, discussing his new responsibilities as a father and the Overseer, whom he describes as an 'overbearing bully'. You need to pick the lock, which requires lockpick skill of 50 or greater.

Random Encounters

At higher levels, four or five Deathclaws will sometimes spawn down the hill from Vault 101. Jump up on the rocks in front of the Vault entrance and they cannot reach you. Pick them off at your leisure. Unfortunately, if Dogmeat is waiting for you there, attacking the Deathclaws will mean certain death for the canine. If this happens, sneak, tell Dogmeat to follow you and back away from the Deathclaws.


  • Il numero del Vault 101 potrebbe essere un riferimento al fatto che il giocatore impara le basi del gameplay nel vault. Negli U.S.A., i corsi base dei college iniziano sempre con il 101.
  • Andy prende il posto del dottore dopo la fuga del padre, anche se viene licenziato subito. Amputa la gamba di Beatrice Armstrong dalla base del ginocchio per la rottura dell'alluce. Purtroppo, Beatrice non sopravvive all'amputazione.
  • Nel Quartier Generale Vault-Tec nell rovine di D.C., una copia della porta del Vault 101 è appesa sopra l'entrata, illuminata da alcune lampade.
  • Il Vault 101 è uno dei due vault pienamente funzionanti (l'altro è il Vault 112) nella Zona Contaminata della Capitale. Gli altri vault sono caduti in rovina per il fallimento dei progetti assegnati o semplicemente per cause naturali.


While taking the G.O.A.T., the PC is joined by many other students. Since the G.O.A.T. is only taken after one's sixteenth birthday, it can be assumed that all of the fellow students are 16 (or 17, if it's only given once every two years, etc.). Statistically, it is very unlikely that all children in Vault 101 are of roughly the same age, especially in such a great quantity.

Vault 8 from Fallout 2, which was one of the few control vaults reproduced on a schedule for population control purposes. Its more then a matter of not having to many people of a certain age group.

One explanation could be that the Overseer strictly schedules births (which fits with the overall theme of the vault), but this would not explain the PC being the same age as his/her peers (as the PC was not born in the Vault), unless the PC's age is a coincidence. Being able to jump at the age of one shows that it is possible that your age is not actually 19, but that your age was shifted by a year or two. Vault residents are encouraged to procreate indicating that the Vault's population is declining, which would make it counter-productive to schedule births.

Another possible explanation could be that all members of the Vault celebrate their birth on the same day, regardless of their true date of birth, while still taking into account the year they where born, i.e. being 1, 2, 3, and so on. As individuality and self-reliance are possibly detrimental to the Vaults purpose, removing them by creating an illusion of uniformity between Vault residents.

It is also a possibility that the player is only exposed to a limited portion of the vaults full population, restricted due to programming constraints. Though this possibly conflicts with the conversation had with the overseer saying that the vault only has three more viable generations, which could suggest that the observed population is the true population.

It is worth noting that there seems to be a few different age groups in the vault. You have the ones at the vault dwellers 'age', and there is a group in their 30s (who mainly comprise the vault's security guards), and you have the elderly group, who consist of old lady palmer, Stanley and the overseer. In front of the vault door you will find the skeletons of people who were not allowed in with signs saying: LET US IN ASSHOLES. and similar notes.


  • During the PC's tenth birthday, if the map is not fully loaded or your computer is lagging under stress, you can possibly open one of the doors when it should display a message for you to talk to people at your birthday. This will teleport you to the part where Stanley and Andy the robot are attacking Radroaches. You will remain in your 10 year old form (versus your real age at that time, presumably 19), leaving you unable to attack as you had not done the tutorial with Jonas and your father, as well as not being able to go outside because the tunnel in the secret passage is unoperable by children. Also, none of the NPCs will be there other than Stanley and Andy the Robot. You can go through the corridors of the Vault as if there was no storyline. The only way to get out of this is to restart your game.
  • On the PC's tenth birthday, just after his/her party they will be prompt to leave to go and see Jonas, he will tell you to wait for your dad. When he finally arrives he gives you a BB Gun, if you attempt to shoot either your dad or Jonas the gun will do little damage, however if you continuously shoot Jonas (preferably in the head) he will be rendered unconscious, after that comes the shooting of the targets & the radroach. Jonas will eventually regain consciousness but will not take the picture of you and your dad(he just stands wherever you shot him). You can still interact with him, however, him not taking the picture means you cannot progress any further. On some PS3 versions, however, after Jonas regains conciousness, he won't take the picture. All you have to do is to stand next to your dad and your BB gun will automatically be holstered by the game and the screen will turn white as if he took the picture.
  • Fast traveling to the vault will on some cases result in a massive framerate drop once you have arrived. Fast traveling to Springvale and then moving on to the vault will result in framerate drop, however not as severe.

This framerate drop appears to only occur close to the vault entrance. (Confirmed PS3)

  • While you're a baby, unlocking locked door with the console on the PC version will allow you to leave the vault as a baby. You can't use anything or run as a baby. Also, you will be able to zoom out and see what the baby looks like ( which is a miniature version of the 10 year old PC. A baby-size player, but it still looks like a person. ).
  • After the vault door closes in escape, if you didnt kill both gaurds and go back to the closed door you will eventually get a message saying amata is unconscious.
  • After returning to the Vault the door will sometimes start opened and continue to close before you may reach it. It is possible that nobody likes the Lone Wanderer.


  1. In accordo con la Guida Strategica ufficiale di Fallout 3
Vault 101